ISO 31000 is a 2009 international standard issued by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) that is intended to serve as a guide for the design, implementation, and maintenance of risk management. Organizations of all sizes face internal and external factors and influences that make it uncertain whether or not they will achieve their goals. The effect of uncertainty on an organization's objectives is risk. Any organization's activity involves risk. ISO 31000:2009 describes a systematic and logical process by which organizations manage risk by identifying it, analyzing it, and then determining whether the risk should be modified by risk treatment in order to meet their risk criteria.
ISO 31000 is divided into the following clauses:
Risk management enables an organization to ensure that it is aware of and comprehends the risks that it faces. Adopting an effective risk management process within an organization will provide benefits in a variety of areas, some of which are as follows:
If you want to attain all of the above benefits, you can join our ISO 31000 training courses